Nous Group today launched its Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to guide how we embed reconciliation within our workplace and our sphere of influence over the next three years.
Nous’ new Stretch RAP (2024-2027) formalises our ongoing commitment and outlines measurable actions we will take to become more representative, inclusive, and culturally safe as an organisation for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
Nous Group CEO and Managing Principal Tim Orton said: “Reconciliation is everyone’s business and is critical to our strategic plan. Our new Stretch RAP sets a clear roadmap for Nous and all Nousers in contributing to a better future.
“As a non-Indigenous owned consulting firm founded in Australia, we have a moral responsibility to actively support reconciliatory action across our organisation.
“Further, we are committed to working with our clients across government, private and community sectors to embed reconciliation through our project work.”
Over the last 12 months, Nous has been working in close collaboration with its people (Nousers), external First Nations stakeholders and Reconciliation Australia to develop the new RAP, ensuring it supports our vision for reconciliation and ambitions for systemic change.
The Stretch RAP includes renewed commitments to strengthening cultural competency across all Nousers, growing our collective understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of being, knowing and doing, and creating more opportunities for First Nations peoples through employment, partnering and procurement.
It also identifies five key areas and ambitions for improvement. These ambitions directly relate to our leadership and accountability measures, the way we engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners and businesses, the way we embody reconciliation at the local office level, the experience of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nousers, and how all Nousers can contribute to reconciliation.
Nous Group First Nations Portfolio Champion, Rodney Williams said: “With this new RAP, we recognise the need to continue building on our significant progress and further extend our reconciliation ambition to deliver meaningful change.
“This RAP sees us committing to priorities and actions both internal and external to Nous, with a focus on deepening and evolving our approach to our consulting work to better support opportunities that improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.”

Nous has a proud history of working alongside and learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. With the launch of our fourth RAP, a Stretch RAP, we build upon the successes, shortcomings and learnings we have experienced as part of our RAP journey since 2014.
Download our Stretch RAP here.