Hugo Fuller

Senior Consultant

Hugo Fuller headshot
Hugo integrates data-driven analysis with strong people skills to deliver excellent results for clients and their myriad stakeholders.
He is adept at working in organisations undergoing change and transformation and ensuring they meet their objectives. Hugo strives to produce outcomes that benefit people and communities while ensuring his advice is data-driven and human-centred.

Influential work

  • Served as a Program Support Officer for the 2019 Nexus Start-up program while on exchange in Nanjing, China. He was contracted by the City of Melbourne to gauge the effectiveness and operation of the program which aims to support start-ups involved in Smart city technologies.
  • Assisted in chairing the 14th ASEAN-Australian-New Zealand (AANZ) dialogue held virtually for Asialink. This included circulating key updates with ASEAN officials, keynote speakers, delegates and key stakeholders.
  • Was the joint director of the 2021 Hybrid Australia-China Emerging Leaders Summit, including devising and delivering course content and assisting delegates.
  • Led the learning and development team of the NexStar program in Melbourne in collaboration with Study Victoria. This included connecting 30 international students with Australian enterprises and start-ups looking to devise an Asian market entry strategy.

Outside of Nous

Hugo was the recipient of the 2018 Asian Westpac Scholarship award, recognised for his capacity and potential to positively contribute to and foster deeper connections between Australia and China. Before joining Nous, he worked for an Australian Government department in service delivery and for Insignia Financial as a Customer Solutions Specialist.

Hugo holds a Bachelor of Arts (sociology and politics), a Master of International Relations and a Diploma of Languages (Mandarin) from The University of Melbourne.

In his spare time...

Hugo is an international relations fanatic and enjoys keeping up to date with the latest geopolitical developments. He is also a keen public transport user and enjoys camping whenever possible.