Environment & Agriculture

We partner with governments, industry and NGOs to manage the natural environment and agriculture.

The environment and agriculture are critical to Australia’s future, so they are rightly on the forefront of communities’ and policymakers’ agendas.

Good policy depends on building trust and using engagement to develop resilience to shocks. Policymakers must craft strategy to improve performance, making data-driven decisions.

We take constituents, communities and industries along the journey to win support for strategies, policies and plans. This helps to rebuild institutional trust, resolve conflicts and set future directions. We also understand the need for greater resilience amid market and climate disruption.

We have worked closely with agencies in environment and agriculture to develop and review strategies, as well as to improve organisational performance. We use public and novel datasets to inform policy design and service delivery and develop visual tools that enable data to tell compelling stories.

Our work includes

  • Environment

    Governments seek to deliver environmental outcomes while minimising regulatory burdens. We can support you to identify policy responses to a regulatory challenge, engage with stakeholders (even in hostile or complex environments), and use economic tools to understand the case for investment in improved environmental outcomes.

  • Agriculture

    Agriculture’s future is increasingly being shaped through the establishment of new management bodies and regulation. We conduct user research to inform the service design and implementation of agriculture-focused programs and use program logic modelling to link activities with objectives and on-the-ground outcomes.

Natural waterhole in Australia's Northern Territory


Governments seek to deliver environmental outcomes while minimising regulatory burdens. We can support you to identify policy responses to a regulatory challenge, engage with stakeholders (even in hostile or complex environments), and use economic tools to understand the case for investment in improved environmental outcomes.

Landscape shot of cattle farm


Agriculture’s future is increasingly being shaped through the establishment of new management bodies and regulation. We conduct user research to inform the service design and implementation of agriculture-focused programs and use program logic modelling to link activities with objectives and on-the-ground outcomes.

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What our clients say