
We answer your most complex strategic questions by combining market and business analytics with industry expertise.

How is your organisation going to win now and into the future? Without a strategy, your organisation risks being left behind by rivals that anticipate future trends and position themselves for success.

Effective strategy cuts through complexity. It reveals the market opportunities to be pursued and the capabilities needed to win. It unifies and inspires people and clarifies what they need to do to deliver value for your organisation, its stakeholders, customers and the community.

We work with businesses, government agencies and not-for-profit organisations to analyse their operating environment, identify strategies for the future and to cascade the strategy into plans.

We listen, ask questions and create strategies that help your team to perform and achieve a bigger idea of success.

Our consulting services include

  • Business and growth strategy

    Boards and executives must decide where to focus their organisation’s efforts and resources to achieve sustained high performance. We work with private sector clients to identify the customers, services and markets you should focus on and then draw out what will be required to achieve real impact. We work with government organisations to identify the right initiatives to meet the needs of citizens. And we work with clients across sectors to design the right business model.

  • Cost reduction and productivity

    Whether the driver is margin growth for businesses or greater efficiency for public sector agencies, cost reduction must be sustainable, otherwise organisational performance drops. We start by focusing on what customers and stakeholders most value, and then reduce expenditures that least support the organisation’s strategy and future success. We work with you to identify and implement savings.

  • Mergers, integration and alliances

    Major structural changes in organisations often fail to balance the technical and people considerations. When managed poorly, the adverse effects impact people performance, including reduced motivation and productivity, departure of key employees and lack of role clarity. We work with clients to bring strategic, cultural and operational alignment between organisations during and after these major changes.

Business and growth strategy

Boards and executives must decide where to focus their organisation’s efforts and resources to achieve sustained high performance. We work with private sector clients to identify the customers, services and markets you should focus on and then draw out what will be required to achieve real impact. We work with government organisations to identify the right initiatives to meet the needs of citizens. And we work with clients across sectors to design the right business model.

Cost reduction and productivity

Whether the driver is margin growth for businesses or greater efficiency for public sector agencies, cost reduction must be sustainable, otherwise organisational performance drops. We start by focusing on what customers and stakeholders most value, and then reduce expenditures that least support the organisation’s strategy and future success. We work with you to identify and implement savings.

Mergers, integration and alliances

Major structural changes in organisations often fail to balance the technical and people considerations. When managed poorly, the adverse effects impact people performance, including reduced motivation and productivity, departure of key employees and lack of role clarity. We work with clients to bring strategic, cultural and operational alignment between organisations during and after these major changes.


We support your growth strategy


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