Planning & Precincts

What makes somewhere a great place to live, work, and study?

Liveable cities and regions are defined by safe and thriving communities. They offer healthy environments that are close to jobs, entertainment, and other cultural options.

But assessing major projects is becoming increasingly complex, with urbanisation, biodiversity loss, and the transition to renewables all complicating the process.

We understand that many stakeholders bring these places to life. We work with government departments and agencies to maximise the economic, environmental, and social benefits of cities and regions. We work with universities seeking to maximise their research and commercial opportunities. We support the optimisation of assessment processes to meet various urgent objectives and believe that almost anywhere can be made to be more liveable.

Our work includes

  • Planning agencies

    Planning agencies are seeking to maximise opportunities and livability. We work with agencies to develop plans to maximise the economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits of cities and regions, and the precincts and places within them. We support planning approvals processes to achieve the mix of objectives expected of them.

  • Educational institutions

    Educational institutions are exploring opportunities for new facilities to deliver greater value to students, expand their research capacity and build greater links with industry. We work with universities and other educational institutions to plan and help deliver campus, infrastructure and research developments.

Planning & Precincts

Planning agencies

Planning agencies are seeking to maximise opportunities and livability. We work with agencies to develop plans to maximise the economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits of cities and regions, and the precincts and places within them. We support planning approvals processes to achieve the mix of objectives expected of them.

Educational institutions

Educational institutions are exploring opportunities for new facilities to deliver greater value to students, expand their research capacity and build greater links with industry. We work with universities and other educational institutions to plan and help deliver campus, infrastructure and research developments.

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What our clients say