We work with organisations that assess projects to create great places to live, work and study.
Livable cities and regions are defined by safe and thriving communities that offer healthy environments and are close to jobs, entertainment and cultural options.
Many stakeholders bring these places to life. State government departments and agencies responsible for planning, precincts and public spaces help shape cities and regions. Other institutions – from health departments to universities to local governments – concentrate or expand activities to improve service delivery, drive additional value and improve livability for their communities.
We know assessing major projects is becoming more complex amid increased urbanisation, biodiversity loss and the transition to renewables. So optimising assessment processes to meet myriad urgent objectives is vital.
We work with government departments overseeing planning, precincts and public spaces, agencies driving regional and local development, and universities, education and research institutions seeking to maximise research and commercialisation opportunities.
Done right, these forces can help to create great places to live.