Ana Lucht Rodrigues


Ana Lucht Rodrigues headshot
Ana is a Senior Consultant who combines problem-solving capacities and critical thinking to deliver excellent results and solutions for clients and stakeholders.
With a background in law, she brings more than four years of extensive experience with conflict resolution, stakeholder engagement, analysis and elaboration of reports and legal documents. Since joining Nous, she has collaborated with various government agencies and other sectors to deliver improved services and organisational outcomes.

Influential work

  • Developed a compelling and successful business case demonstrating a strong case for government investment to implement a new service model for a juvenile detention centre
  • Conducted a comprehensive review of metropolitan alcohol and drug services, delivering practical recommendations to guide the development of a new services model
  • Supported the update of service level agreements between a government agency and statutory authorities and developed a strategic framework to support their maintenance and renewal
  • Facilitated a strategic planning process to define the strategy of a recently established Aboriginal Corporation, with the strategy designed to bring together its members, protect Country, extend the members’ culture and foster their economic development.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Ana undertook two internships while maintaining a strong academic record (high distinction). She went on an exchange program in 2015, having studied for one semester at Pierre Mendès-France University. She passed the bar examination in her final year of university, and just after graduating, worked in a boutique law firm. Throughout her years working as a lawyer she learned valuable client services, decision-making and problem-solving skills. In her most recent position, she worked with civil and family law, dealt with diverse cases, met with several judges and participated in court hearings.

Ana holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Paraná and is a member of the National Bar Association of Brazil.

In her spare time...

Ana loves to travel and is passionate about learning new languages and acknowledging different cultures. She is fascinated by the underwater world and loves to dive and enjoy the beach.