Andrew Jolly


Andrew Jolly headshot
Andrew combines a background of government policy with strong data analysis skills.
For more than 10 years he worked at the highest levels of government in Australia, interacting with a variety of stakeholders. Andrew brings experience in research, data analysis and stakeholder engagement in the public and private sectors. He has worked extensively across the education and health sectors and has experience in data visualisation and statistical analysis.

Influential work

  • Collaborated on the study of the atmosphere of an extra-solar planet by combining data from multiple instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope
  • Coordinated the process of budget estimates on behalf of senior ministers on multiple occasions, providing accurate and prompt information in Parliament
  • Worked with multiple stakeholders in Government and externally to coordinate the delivery of school facilities in Queensland
  • Assisted in the development and delivery of a program to install solar panels on state schools in Queensland.

Outside of Nous

Andrew was awarded the Scriven Bolten Prize as the student with highest astrophysics marks at the University of Leeds. Andrew is passionate about science and mathematics education and has tutored students of all ages.

In his spare time...

Andrew loves reading and music as well as hiking and camping. To engage his artistic side he dabbles in landscape photography.