Anita Sarris


Anita Sarris headshot
Anita is expert in designing organisational culture, systems and processes that optimise performance, and in creating the people engagement necessary to enact change.
Her career has spanned both consulting and management roles across Australia, the UK and Peru.

Influential work

  • Worked with the vice-chancellor of an Australian university to redesign the executive team structure and governance, and to redefine the target organisational culture, as part of a major strategic transformation
  • Completed a review of change management effectiveness within a federal government department and led the development of a new enterprise-wide approach to support continuing transformation efforts
  • Guided the development of a new business model and operating model for a not-for-profit disability services provider to enable their new strategy
  • Led a cultural transformation program for a major global resources company to embed a culture of ‘zero harm’ amongst a traditionally risk-tolerant community
  • Regularly facilitates frontline leadership training for public sector leaders across all Western Australian departments to build capability in managing people and change.

Outside of Nous

Before joining Nous Anita held a variety of management roles in Rio Tinto; including manager of organisational development in its global headquarters, and manager of learning and development for one of Rio Tinto’s largest major capital projects in Peru. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) from Curtin University.

In her spare time...

After many years living overseas, Anita loves exploring WA’s local beauty. Her other passions include film, music, yoga and reading.