Ben Milner

Senior Consultant

Ben Milner headshot
Ben is an experienced consultant with strong analytical and communication skills.
He has worked with a range of public sector bodies and universities to support strategy, improve processes, and enhance resilience. His interests include government, policy, education and healthcare.

Influential work

  • Supported an arm’s length body’s (ALB) resilience to future workforce requirements through scenario analysis and futures thinking
  • Created an interactive student recruitment model to inform a university’s feasibility assessment
  • Assessed an ALB’s data maturity against a Cabinet Office framework and supported the creation of improvement recommendations
  • Assisted with a university’s strategic review and produced an integrated project plan to support the future development of its strategy
  • Reviewed the customer experience of the admissions process for a university and worked to enhance the leadership’s understanding of different experiences and needs.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Ben completed a Bachelor of Arts (Law) at the University of Cambridge, including writing a dissertation on the impact of COVID-19 on Human Rights. He has also worked on a campaign project targeting legal reform for motor neurone disease and worked on organisational change for his college’s student union.

In his spare time...

Ben enjoys running, playing hockey and going to concerts. He also loves going to the theatre and finding new places to eat.