Benjamin Ryan

Senior Consultant

Benjamin Ryan headshot
Benjamin is an experienced consultant with a passion for problem-solving.
He has worked across a range of strategy, evaluation and data projects for public sector, education and energy clients.

Influential work

  • Reviewed the business model of a large Australian university, recommending ways to improve the university’s student value proposition, education portfolio, research portfolio, workforce model and asset base
  • Led the redesign of a set of government mental health services to ensure the services were fit-for-purpose and delivered positive outcomes for service users without duplicating other services
  • Analysed the regulatory requirements and commercial considerations of energy businesses investing in distributed energy resources to inform government policy aimed at ensuring Australia achieves net zero carbon emissions by 2050
  • Evaluated the end-to-end mining approval process for a state government, with a focus on improving regulatory efficiency, to ensure Australian businesses can meet the growing global demand for critical minerals.

Outside of Nous

Benjamin previously worked for the Victorian Government, conducting economic analysis on energy regulations and markets. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from The University of Melbourne with majors in economics and finance.

In his spare time...

Ben enjoys skiing, baseball and video games. He also loves to cook for his friends and family.