Christina Huang

Visual Designer

Christina Huang headshot
Christina is a driven and curious person with extensive experience as an executive assistant across health and not-for-profit organisations.
She dives deep into a project to truly understand its goals, allowing her to identify and tackle key components in order to deliver sustainable positive results.

Influential work

  • Led project to build a not-for-profit organisation’s new membership system, identifying key needs for a professional learning platform and events module
  • Delivered a new website offering professional learning services in collaboration with web developers
  • Led a rebranding project for the professional learning department in a not-for-profit organisation, drafting and creating logo designs and marketing material in collaboration with the in-house graphic designer
  • Identified logistics pain points for cancer patients and implemented a beginning-to-end process that met the needs of each patient from their initial appointment to surgery, post-operative treatment and tests. The process resulted in the consultant surgeon’s ability to meet the increasing demands in patient numbers.

Outside of Nous

Christina has worked for four years in a not-for-profit organisation that supports public education and educators in New South Wales. She has supported executive and non-executive officers and worked on projects ranging from planning to execution and completion, delivering positive results.

She previously spent six years in the medical sector, working alongside leading surgeons and specialists at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Melanoma Institute of Australia in the surgical department. She provided extensive customer care and service to patients by taking care of the logistics of a treatment journey, including paperwork and appointments.

In her spare time...

Christina loves animals and enjoys spending time with her two cats and dog at home. Her therapeutic activity is going on long walks with just a sketch book and no destination in mind.