Daniel Bowers


Daniel Bowers headshot
Daniel combines intellectual curiosity, a passion for solving problems and strong interpersonal skills.
He is a diligent and enthusiastic consultant who brings previous experience from EY and pro-bono consulting at university. He enjoys learning about new industries, best practices and technology, and applying this knowledge to solving complex problems for clients and delivering meaningful impact.

Influential work

  • Assessed the technology and systems required to improve dairy supply chain traceability systems through facilitating workshops and interviews with farmers, government departments and technology providers
  • Created a performance evaluation tool and framework for social audit assessments for a Philippines micro-insurance technical resource centre serving 26 million people
  • Performed reconciliation on the half-year investor presentation figures of a major ASX-listed company with those in the audited financial statements.

Outside of Nous

Daniel holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne, majoring in accounting and economics. During his time at university, he actively participated in various clubs and university activities. He was a project leader at the Melbourne Microfinance Initiative and wrote for the Economics Student Society of Australia.

Daniel was previously a consulting intern in the Business Transformation team at EY, where he supported an agriculture traceability, efficiency and price transparency project. Additionally, he was an audit intern at PwC in the Consumer and Industrial Products and Services team, working with an ASX 20 company.

In his spare time...

Daniel enjoys all things sport: playing, coaching and singing “We are Geelong”. He enjoys the outdoors and making the most of his AllTrails subscription through finding day hikes and scenic walks.