Danielle Harley


Danielle Harley headshot
Danielle has more than 10 years of experience working in and managing community and residential programs across homelessness, alcohol and other drugs, justice, and health services.
She brings expertise in service delivery design, implementation and sensitive stakeholder engagement. She has experience working directly with people experiencing vulnerabilities. Danielle combines leadership skills, frontline experience, critical thinking and creative problem-solving. She is skilled in engaging with stakeholders across services, governments and sector groups, as well as consumers. Danielle is passionate about inclusivity and intersectionality.

Influential work

  • Led the independent evaluation of the First Nations individual advocacy, First Nations counselling supports, and mainstream counselling supports made available to people impacted by the Disability Royal Commission, using a culturally appropriate and sensitive engagement approach with professional stakeholders and clients and carers of the services
  • Helped to co-design a suicide prevention strategy for Victoria, in line with a Royal Commission’s recommendations, using a trauma-informed and nuanced approach with people whose lives had been impacted by suicide
  • Led strategic options development and a roadmap for a private overseas research and development organisation to enter the Australian market, which included identifying key stakeholders of the Australian Government that would support this organisation’s approach for enduring impact and value
  • Assisted project management for the $47 million VincentCare Inner Melbourne Community Hub, including leading a crisis accommodation model for women, people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and LGBTIQ+, with the work undertaken through consultation and codesign with clients of the service and key community members.

Outside of Nous

Danielle began her career as a forensic psychologist, working in private practice, with the courts, and in the justice system in New South Wales and Victoria. She then entered the community services sector and held leadership roles for seven years, overseeing community and residential programs focused on alcohol and other drugs (AOD), community aged care, homelessness, emergency relief, financial counselling and allied health.

She has been a guest speaker at Deakin University, supporting new psychologists in the community services and justice sectors. Her master’s degree research into offender readiness for treatment was integrated into Corrective Services NSW policy.

Danielle holds a Master of Forensic Psychology, qualifications in AOD and a Diploma of Management and Leadership.

In her spare time...

Danielle enjoys going to the gym, listening to music, and spending time with friends.