Ellen Falconer

Senior Consultant

Ellen Falconer headshot
Ellen is an experienced consultant with a collaborative and engaging style.
She has worked extensively in higher education, both during and before her time at Nous. She draws on experiences as a consultant and academic to support higher education clients tackle their biggest challenges and achieve their strategic ambitions. She enables people-centred change and leverages digital to support this. Ellen is currently supporting a post-92 London university achieve digital transformation, leading implementation of its new governance arrangements and enacting its digital roadmap.

Influential work

  • Provided advisory and implementation support for the digital transformation of a large post-92 university after helping to develop the transformation agenda, including developing a digital strategy, digital roadmap and new governance arrangements for digital and infrastructure
  • Enabled a UK government organisation to scope its leadership footprint and transform its internal leadership and workforce culture through a 12-month leadership programme
  • Designed a survey to understand the strengths and weaknesses of mental health support systems and processes that was disseminated to clinicians and people with lived experiences across the UK
  • Undertook market analysis for a government organisation to understand the effectiveness and impact of its entrepreneurial accelerator programme.

Outside of Nous

Ellen was previously a pianist and lecturer at the Royal College of Music. Music and the creative arts more broadly are a big part of her life. As well as practising piano every day and proof-reading her friends’ PhD theses, she mentors musicians and creative arts students looking to transition into professional services.

Ellen holds a PhD from the Royal College of Music, a Master of Music from Goldsmiths at the University of London, and a Bachelor of Music (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Australian National University.

In her spare time...

Ellen loves baking and experimenting with cooking. Her sourdough starter is seven years young and has been shared with two other Nousers. Ellen also spends time reading, swimming and walking.