Felix Gong


Felix Gong headshot
Felix is a recent graduate from The University of Melbourne, where he majored in economics and finance.
During his studies he was the events director for the largest economics students’ society in Australia, as well as working as a market analyst at Marcus Today Investment and Strategy. Felix also had the opportunity to consult for one of Germany’s largest government-owned companies, Berlin Partner.

Influential work

  • Graduated from The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in finance and economics
  • Was on the executive board for Australia’s largest economics student society, the Economics Students Society Australia
  • Consulted for Berlin Partner regarding diversity requirements and hiring processes
  • Was selected for The University of Melbourne Startup Competition, pitching software for compliance automation.

Outside of Nous

Before joining Nous Felix worked with Marcus Padley and Henry Jennings closely as part of a financial newsletter team at Marcus Today Investment and Strategy. He continues to teach two students violin and still occasionally trades on the Australian Stock Exchange.

In his spare time...

Felix is an avid terrarium and aquarium hobbyist. He plays violin and guitar and enjoys working on music production, having performed at nightclubs around Melbourne.


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