Gabby McGrath


Gabby McGrath headshot
Gabby is an economic analyst who uses research, data and modelling to develop advice on complex issues.
Gabby has a strong interest in data-driven analysis and also has significant experience in policy analysis and research. Gabby’s projects benefit from her deep technical skills, dedication to delivering high-quality work and focus on building productive relationships. Gabby is passionate about working on meaningful projects that create a positive lasting impact for clients and the community.

Influential work

  • Estimated the economic impact of the China-Australia trade dispute that came to a head in 2020, quantifying and contextualising the severity of an extremely high-profile issue
  • Evaluated the client outcomes of Many Rivers (a non-profit microfinancing organisation), using R to conduct in-depth analysis client data collected over eight years
  • Forecast the Western Australian public sector workforce using unit-level data, analysing the risks associated with demographic trends and the post-COVID labour market
  • Investigated the competitive neutrality of a government enterprise, reconciling multiple viewpoints and analysing contracts and financial data to provide comprehensive recommendations to the Treasurer
  • Investigated the performance of a health service’s elective surgery waitlist using historic data, providing insights to improve future performance.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Gabby worked in WA Treasury’s economic policy team as an economic analyst and modelling specialist. During 2020 she was brought onto Treasury’s COVID-19 Taskforce for her data analytics and modelling skills. Before Treasury, Gabby worked at Deloitte Access Economics, where she contributed to projects including data analysis, economic modelling, cost-benefit analyses, and outcome evaluations.

In her spare time...

Gabby likes to spend her time reading science fiction, sewing, and going for the occasional jog.