Gemma Ludski


Gemma Ludski headshot
Gemma is deeply curious about people and is firmly committed to solving complex, people-centric organisational challenges.
She is passionate about fostering impactful change and takes an evidence-based approach, informed by her experience in the disability sector and community leadership. She is valued for her empathetic, results-oriented strategies that consistently deliver practical solutions. Gemma partners with clients to build on a shared drive for authentic, sustainable change.

Influential work

  • Contributed to a statewide review of genomics use across medical specialties and delivered practical outputs for the implementation of genomics
  • Worked with an organisation that assists Irish migrants integrate and connect with the Australian community and each other, working on strategies to improve operations, create sustainable revenue streams and develop marketing strategies.

Outside of Nous

Gemma undertakes disability support work and coordinates care for people living with disabilities. She facilitates and organises inclusive camps and weekend getaways that welcome people with and without disabilities.

She was awarded the 2022 Monash Business School Unit Prize for Entrepreneurship and enjoys finding the intersection between business and social impact.

Gemma holds a Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences from Monash University.

In her spare time...

Gemma loves anything to do with health and wellness. She enjoys challenging herself to step outside her comfort zone.