Hal Crichton-Standish

Senior Consultant

Hal Crichton-Standish headshot
Hal brings experience in solution design, stakeholder engagement and strategy leadership of whole-of-government initiatives to provide bold-thinking solutions.
With five years of experience in environmental policy and sustainability, he has worked on marine conservation for the Australian Government, environmental policy, and more recently elements of the Net Zero strategy for the New South Wales (NSW) Government. Hal has a research background as a Master of International Relations candidate and experience researching at a think tank and working and studying in Asia for over a year as an Australian Government New Colombo Plan Scholar. He also communicates with influence on policy, sustainability and strategy.

Influential work

  • Facilitated a multi-agency effort led by the Digital Transformation Agency to design and propose a whole-of-government digital initiative, strategically advising and supporting executives across six agencies
  • Led a review of threatened species initiatives that resulted in a strategic reset for the NSW Government’s environmental policy functions
  • Streamlined coordination and delivery of marine functions in the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
  • Researched and produced a report for government to inform policy decisions on environmental and ozone depletion regulation
  • Redesigned the clinical and social health services of an Australian university to develop a more accessible model that followed clinical best practice.

Outside of Nous

Hal was previously a researcher at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, where he wrote papers on fuel security, renewable infrastructure and Asia-Pacific strategy. He also held roles in the non-government organisation and private sectors while living and working in the Asia-Pacific on an Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan Scholarship. This included developing insights used for the green energy policy of Infosys, a multinational technology company, to inform its corporate energy strategy. He also undertook a review and transformation of the flagship mentoring initiative of the Women’s Rights Foundation in Hong Kong.

Hal holds a Bachelor of International Studies from the University of Sydney during which he undertook exchanges at the University of California Los Angeles, Fudan University Shanghai and the University of Hong Kong. He is currently a candidate for the Master of International Relations at Deakin University.

In his spare time...

Hal loves to travel and has lived in India, Thailand and China. He enjoys history documentaries, strategy games, learning Mandarin and French and spending quality time with friends and family.