Hannah Murphy

Senior Consultant

Hannah Murphy headshot
Hannah brings experience in public policy and strategy, and enjoys working alongside clients to achieve meaningful, positive change.
She draws on strong problem-solving, communication and analytical skills while working in sectors including health, education and energy.

Influential work

  • Supported the development of a state government 30-year plan for waste and recycling infrastructure, helping move the state toward a strong and robust circular economy
  • Developed a major Victorian TAFE’s education strategy, informed by engagements with the executive team and board, and detailed data analysis of the institution and wider sector
  • Undertook a detailed review of a large Victorian energy business’ operations, providing recommendations to improve its service, communications and support to customers
  • Supplied dashboards with pertinent population and mental health service data to aid the induction of eight mental health and wellbeing boards in the Victorian Government
  • Designed the operations for a startup-centred research hub with more than A$380 million of funding dedicated to recycling and clean energy for a large university, amounting to one of Australia’s largest recent academic projects.

Outside of Nous

Throughout her Bachelor of Commerce (marketing and accounting) at the University of Melbourne, Hannah worked as an English tutor, supporting high school students to meet their academic goals and attain post-secondary success. After graduating, she joined ANZ’s graduate program and worked across five teams in the technology department, gaining experience in financial services and data and technical analysis.

During her studies, Hannah was President of the Melbourne University Oaktree club and an active member of the Melbourne University Debating Society. She also participated in a year-long exchange program at Durham University in the UK.

In her spare time...

Hannah will take any opportunity to travel but when she’s home, she spends most of her time reading, with friends or on a run.