Julia Kokic


Julia Kokic headshot
Julia is a consultant with experience in public affairs and government. She applies a creative and evidence-based approach to her work.
She is very collaborative and energetic and enjoys drawing on the varied expertise of her team to deliver results.

Influential work

  • Evaluated a not-for-profit program to improve the long-term outcomes of people leaving statutory care
  • Supported the development of a pricing and scholarship strategy for a regional Australian university
  • Supported the design of a corporate plan for an independent agency of the NSW Government
  • Assessed the performance, clinical outcomes and patient experience of a mental health service for children in out-of-home care with complex mental health and developmental needs
  • Supported the development of a detailed business case for a homelessness service submitted to NSW Treasury.

Outside of Nous

Julia has worked for the government at a state and federal level. She has also worked as a policy and business analyst for a leading government-relations firm. Prior to working at Nous, Julia interned at the European Australian Business Council on their policy and communications team.

While completing her Bachelor of Arts (economics) and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (politics & international relations), Julia was awarded the Commonwealth Bank scholarship in government. She was very involved in university life and served on the Students' Representative Council in 2020.

Julia placed first in NSW in Indonesian Continuers and Extension in her Higher School Certificate and continued studying the language at a tertiary level in Salatiga, Indonesia, supported by a New Colombo Plan grant.

In her spare time...

Julia enjoys reading, running, and country music.


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