Julie McNamara


Julia McNamara headshot
Julia works across human services and health, bringing a background in design thinking and communication to creating high-impact solutions for clients.
Her experience includes managing strategy development, facilitating culture change and conducting policy and program reviews for government and not-for-profit clients.

Influential work

  • Managed the development of a state-funded legal aid provider’s five-year strategic plan and supporting high-level implementation roadmap
  • Supported a national not-for-profit organisation that delivers crisis support services develop its next three-year strategy and supporting implementation roadmap
  • Delivered a co-design program to identify and pilot new ways of working in a state government agency
  • Worked with a state government agency to explore options for strategic transformation using future-visioning and co-design methodologies
  • Developed an organisational culture framework to support a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural agency.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Julia was a Business Designer for the Australian arm of Business Models Inc., an award-winning global strategy and innovation consultancy headquartered in the Netherlands. She also volunteers with the Australian Theatre for Young People.

Julia holds a Bachelor of Communication and Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation from the University of Technology Sydney. During her studies she was a Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement Scholar, graduated with First Class Honours, and was named a Top100 Future Leader.

In her spare time...

Julia enjoys connecting with peers and expanding her thinking – whether at the theatre, on the netball court or through a great conversation. She also likes browsing art gallery gift shops.