Justine Caldwell

Manager, Design

Justine Caldwell headshot
Justine is a specialist in customer experience and service design. She thrives on creative problem-solving in a deadline-driven environment.
She is passionate about research and user testing that help ensure solutions are practical and fit for purpose. She loves the process of design thinking and the amazing results it can deliver for users and organisations.

Influential work

  • Led Victorian councils through a human-centred design process to tailor regulatory reforms that improved the experience of people setting up new businesses to the councils’ specific, local contexts to ensure the reforms would be sustainable and fit-for-purpose
  • Worked on the development of a new service model for a regional headquarter court, involving extensive engagement with internal and external stakeholders
  • Developed for a state government domestic and family violence information and awareness resources for women with disability, involving in-depth research and co-design with women with disability and sector experts
  • Managed the national and state publicity campaigns for a range of clients including Cirque du Soleil, Spiegelworld and St Petersburg Ballet Theatre.

Outside of Nous...

Prior to Nous, Justine worked as a publicity manager at a boutique, entertainment-focused marketing and publicity firm in Melbourne. She managed high-profile, strategic campaigns for clients such as Cirque du Soleil, Spiegelworld and St Petersburg Ballet Theatre. Before moving to Australia, Justine worked as a television publicist in Auckland, New Zealand, where she promoted a range of local and international programs including Home and Away, Rove, 60 Minutes and What’s Really in Our Food.

Justine holds a Bachelor of Arts majoring in psychology and media and communication from Massey University in New Zealand. She gained professional qualifications in user experience design and digital marketing at General Assembly

In her spare time...

Justine loves to spend her spare time cooking, traveling and exploring Melbourne’s arts scene.