Kadi Burns

Senior Consultant

Kadi Burns headshot
Kadi is a Senior Consultant at Nous with experience in commercial and government projects. She combines trusted economic principles with out-of-the-box thinking to solve complex problems and deliver excellent results for clients.
She has undertaken a range of modelling and research tasks and assisted with the preparation of economic methodologies, reports and cost-benefit analyses in the fields of transport and infrastructure. Kadi’s strengths include economic analysis, creative thinking, and research.

Influential Work

  • Developed a business case for South Australia’s ticketing enhancement program, including a financial model that assessed the cost-effectiveness of continuing to upgrade the Adelaide Metro bus, light rail, and heavy rail services
  • Assisted with a comprehensive financial analysis of commuter car parks with commercial leases for a large government body to determine if they should be pursued further
  • Supported the preparation of economic methodologies, reports and cost benefit analyses in transport and infrastructure fields
  • Conducted research to assess the social, economic, and environmental contribution of Queensland’s 21 ports to build a comprehensive picture of their impact
  • Collaborated to develop a marketing and logistics plan for an organic fertilizer producer operating in Hanoi.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Kadi worked as an analyst for the economic and commercial advisory firm NineSquared, where she undertook a range of modelling and research tasks. She has also held positions as a university student facilitator and tutor for students with learning disabilities.

Kadi recently completed a Bachelor of Economics at the University of Sydney. At university, she participated in student activities including an international business project and working with 180-degrees, a pro bono consulting organisation. Kadi has also conducted overseas studies at Sciences Po in Paris and at the University of California, Los Angeles.

In her spare time...

Kadi enjoys going on multi-day treks, playing tennis and cooking for friends and family. She is a keen traveller and is always planning the next trip.