Kale Dyer


Kale Dyer headshot
Kale has more than 15 years of experience working across research institutions as well as multiple state and federal government roles to improve evaluation and research design and delivery.
He has had responsibility for whole-of-agency functions, including research and evaluation. Kale has acted as an expert advisor across federal and state whole-of-government initiatives to improve evaluation and performance. He applies this expertise across human services, organisational performance, mental health, alcohol-and-other-drugs (AOD) and data strategy.

Influential work

  • Managed an evaluation of the $96 million Try, Test and Learn Fund
  • Was Evaluation Advisor for the award-winning Their Futures Matter Aboriginal Evidence Building Partnership Pilot
  • Led the development of the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Communities and Justice Evaluation Strategy
  • Led the delivery of process, outcome and economic evaluations across child protection, family functioning and inclusion
  • Developed and implemented a digital outcome collection and feedback system for a large non-government organisation
  • Led the delivery of the Western Australia (WA) component of the Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey
  • Led the reporting of the WA component of the National Drug Strategy Household Survey.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Kale led the strategic policy and operations for the Australian Department of Social Services for evaluation and research. He also managed child protection, family and inclusion program evaluation for the New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice. This included consulting to the Their Futures Matter initiative supporting evaluation development of a large linked dataset to support data driven approaches to community services, the New South Wales Human Services dataset.

Kale started his career with the Western Australian Mental Health Commission leading the Western Australia component of the Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey and Western Australia reporting for the National Drug Strategy Household Survey.

In his spare time...

In his spare time Kale is usually with his family, running in nature, attending dance and theatre events, or reading his way slowly through the 1001 books to read before you die.