Kate Grutzner


Kate Grutzner headshot
Kate is a Director with over seven years of experience advising clients on public policy challenges in transport, infrastructure, human services, health and justice.
With extensive experience working with the public sector, she understands the drivers and ways of working in government. With her legal background, Kate is a strong problem solver and communicator, and she enjoys working with stakeholders across organisations to develop practical solutions to their challenges.

Influential work

  • Supported the review of Victoria’s building system to improve oversight of construction, increase accountability and improve the consumer experience
  • Supported an Australian Government department with planning and delivering a significant procurement for domestic and family violence support services
  • Advised two Victorian courts on implementing a new domestic and family violence risk assessment and management framework
  • Reviewed the commercial and regulatory arrangements supporting a state-wide emergency recovery operation
  • Undertook two secondments supporting the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services’ response to COVID-19 in the context of housing and public health directions
  • Advised Victoria on its flagship transport infrastructure projects, including the West Gate Tunnel, the Metro Tunnel and the North East Link.

Outside of Nous

Before joining Nous, Kate was a senior associate in the major projects and construction team at Clayton Utz, where she advised on the procurement and delivery of major Victorian infrastructure projects. She undertook secondments into state government agencies, including the Department of Transport and the Department of Treasury and Finance. She has been a pro bono lawyer through Justice Connect, a member of the young professionals committee for Ardoch and a volunteer with the Beacon Foundation.

Kate holds a Bachelor of Laws (with Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts from Monash University and a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, and is a qualified legal practitioner.

In her spare time...

Kate enjoys travel, reading, cooking and spending time outdoors on beaches, bike trails and tennis courts.