Kelly Samson


Kelly Samson headshot
Kelly is a business transformation specialist who delivers results through strong partnerships and a data-driven approach to strategy execution, organisational design, culture and change.
She has over 20 years of consulting experience and has worked with leading organisations across a diverse range of sectors. Her consulting expertise builds upon 14 years in corporate human resources and quality and technical engineering roles in the energy and utilities sector. Kelly leads Nous’ Sydney office and Nous’ work in post-merger integration.

Influential work

  • Led the development of a higher education provider’s five-year strategy; including values, the business and operating models, leadership development and employee engagement
  • Led a large-scale governance and management restructure for one of Australia’s largest aged care providers to align with a new strategic direction
  • Guided portfolio change management and cultural transformation for the successful merger of two Australian Government departments
  • Led a functional efficiency review of agency roles, functions, capabilities, governance and performance for a central agency; with key recommendations now under implementation
  • Created a compelling leadership strategy and capability framework for an Australian Government department
  • Guided a distribution model review for a large Australian insurer.

Outside of Nous

Kelly holds a PhD from Charles Sturt University. Her PhD is published as “Human capital analytics: Exploring a contingency model of executive decision making effectiveness, human resource capabilities, organisation culture and organisational performance, 2018”. She also holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of New England; a Bachelor of Adult Education from University of Technology Sydney; and an Associate Diploma of Engineering Survey Drafting from TAFE NSW.

Kelly is accredited in a range of leadership, cultural diagnostic and psychometric tools; including Human Synergistics (OCI/LSI/LI), Barrett Cultural Values Assessment (CVA/LVA), SHL personality and ability tools (OPQ) (MGIB) (MQ), and Hogan personality tools (HPI) (HDS)(MVPI). She is also a certified professional member of the Australian Human Resources Institute.

In her spare time...

Kelly enjoys team-based sports and spending time with her family.