Kendra Cockburn


Kendra Cockburn headshot
Kendra leads Nous’ Darwin office, drawing on 15 years of experience in public policy. Kendra works across social and economic policy and organisational performance.
She has expertise in the human services, justice and primary health sectors and is skilled at operating in complex policy environments and working collaboratively with clients and stakeholders.

Influential work

  • Led community engagement around a Darwin Northern Suburbs Youth Hub
  • Led a cost-benefit analysis of initiatives under the NT Aboriginal Justice Agreement
  • Project managed the implementation of critical justice reforms in the NT, working across NT government agencies
  • Led an evaluation of the National Suicide Prevention Trial Darwin Site
  • Reset the National Disability Insurance Agency’s Early Childhood Early Intervention Approach.

Outside of Nous

Before joining Nous, Kendra worked for the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services on child and family services system reform. Prior to that, she worked for the Australian Department of Social Services, where she contributed to the development and implementation of the NDIS. She also acted as Senior Policy Adviser to a Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers.

Kendra holds a Master of Arts (European politics and culture) from the University of Strasbourg and Uppsala University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the Australian National University.

In her spare time...

Kendra loves hiking, cycling, camping and exploring the Northern Territory.