Melissa Medici

Senior Consultant

Melissa Medici headshot
Melissa combines strong interpersonal, problem-solving and stakeholder engagement skills, drawing on her background in public policy.
She has diverse experience in the government, agricultural and disability sectors, and is passionate about collaborating with clients to design rigorous and pragmatic recommendations.

Influential work

  • Designed an evaluation framework to measure the effectiveness of a drought resilience initiative under the Future Drought Fund
  • Facilitated operating model workshops with senior executive staff at the National Disability Insurance Agency
  • Implemented an outcomes framework to measure outcomes for people with disability under Australia’s Disability Strategy
  • Collaborated with the Australian National University to design and conduct the first comprehensive survey on Australian attitudes towards people with disability to inform national disability policy
  • Analysed the carbon footprint and developed an emissions reduction strategy for an Australian not-for-profit organisation.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Melissa was a Policy Officer at the Department of Social Services, where she contributed to the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy. She has also worked in NDIS plan management and procurement in the pharmaceuticals industry.

Melissa holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Global Studies from Monash University. While at university, she was a Project Consultant with 180 Degrees Consulting, was involved with student theatre as a Production/Stage Manager and was fortunate to participate in an exchange program in the UK.

In her spare time...

Melissa enjoys supporting Melbourne’s live performance scene, especially comedy and musical theatre. She is also a keen traveller and is learning Italian.