Michael Kerrison


Michael Kerrison headshot
Michael is a generalist; his preferred tools are economics and data, but he’s always ready to learn or apply something new.
He has worked in finance, including in member-owned superannuation and medical indemnity, and is looking to sample other domains to build breadth. He has experience acting as the nexus between day-to-day operations, IT, executives and boards, and understands the language and needs of each.

Influential work

  • Delivered an end-of-year medical indemnity policy renewal project: managing work across multiple business units, writing, testing, and building out the governance framework
  • Developed and implemented high-risk policy analytics to target resources and monitor portfolio risk
  • Ran investment analytics and operations and working through risks and strategies during the initial COVID-19 market disruption
  • Analysed and in short succession responded to public policy changes: APRA’s superannuation heatmap, the Member Outcomes prudential standard, the Productivity Commission’s report on superannuation and the Financial Services Royal Commission.

Outside of Nous

Michael is deeply interested in effective altruism – the concept of ‘doing good, better’. He donates regularly to Effective Altruism Australia. Michael holds a Bachelor of Commerce (economics) from the University of Melbourne. He also undertook a short course on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining at Charles Sturt University.

In his spare time...

Michael listens to podcasts like EconTalk and 80,000 Hours, plays chess, re-reads Dune, and occasionally paints his Warhammer models.