Monique Jackson


Monique Jackson headshot
Monique has more than 20 years of experience in health and human services across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
She provides strategic advice to governments, organisations and executives on complex system reform challenges. She has a background in clinical research and has deep experience in mental health, drug and alcohol, domestic violence, Indigenous affairs and child protection. Monique is committed to ensuring people with lived experience and First Nations people and communities are at the centre of her work in service and system design, policy reform, strategic planning and evaluations.

Influential work

  • Led a major strategic planning initiative for one of Australia’s largest community services providers including the impact of mental health initiatives and drivers for the next 10 years
  • Managed an evaluation of a state-wide mental health program for the New South Wales (NSW) Ministry of Health and recommended ways to improve program implementation and effectiveness
  • Developed a turnaround strategy for the largest health services provider of its kind in Australia, including managing a complex stakeholder consultation process and analysing quantitative and qualitative data
  • Managed the development of a targeted earlier intervention sector consultation report for the NSW Department of Family and Community Services to communicate the findings of a consultation process for sector reform
  • Led the development of the strategic plan for a leading Australian university

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Monique worked in clinical research and clinical development strategy in Asia, the UK and US. She has also served as advisor to paediatric AIDS treatment for Africa, a non-government organisation working across 24 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. She is also currently the chair of the Board for Jannawi Connections.

Monique holds a Bachelor of Medical Sciences from Macquarie University and an Executive Master of Business Administration from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.

In her spare time...

Monique loves the outdoors; particularly swimming, sailing, diving and surfing. She also loves to travel and spend time with her family.