Murphy Wright


Murphy Wright headshot
Murphy is a Director with experience working with government departments and non-government organisations in matters of human services, health, education and emergency services.
She is known for her effective communication skills and collaborative approach to problem solving. She has extensive experience in youth affairs, mental health and community engagement and a strong ability to understand and engage effectively with stakeholders in sensitive environments, including those with lived experience.

Influential work

  • Designed the state-wide and place-based service model and program logic for the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Education and Support Program into youth crisis accommodation across Western Australia
  • Worked in partnership with Waminda to review the Justice Our Way Program – a holistic program that supports Aboriginal women affected by DFV to transition back into the community from the justice system – to inform its expansion and scale up in other locations in NSW
  • Undertook complex consultations with diverse stakeholders, including government and service providers, community groups, local stakeholders and at-risk young people, to develop a youth engagement strategy for the Fitzroy Valley
  • Reviewed the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of the Reconnect program to inform ongoing program improvements and future policy and budget decision making
  • Project managed a review of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Southern NSWLHD and the planning for the Safeguards Team, a new community-based team for children and adolescents experiencing acute mental distress, and their support network

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Murphy studied a Bachelor of Science at the University of Western Australia. She also spent several years travelling and living overseas before joining Nous as a Graduate Consultant in 2018.

In her spare time...

Murphy enjoys reading, cooking and getting into a good Netflix series. She is a keen traveller and loves a weekend away with her friends.