Nikita Weickhardt


Nikita Weickhardt headshot
Nikita brings extensive experience in aged care systems, particularly at the intersection of disability and health and ageing services.
She has lived and worked in rural and remote Australian towns and deeply understands the challenges of accessing equitable aged care and health services. Nikita has spent 15 years advising not-for-profit, public and private sector clients in Australia, the United Kingdom and Europe on strategy, operating model design and implementation, and change management.

Influential work

  • Project-managed a comprehensive review of the aged care assessment for younger people to support the achievement of the Government Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) targets
  • Partnered with a government department and the Community Care Providers Association to pilot a program that provides monthly care statements to aged care residents
  • Led projects with a mid-sized aged care provider to develop its strategy and design its operating model to respond to the Support at Home Reform while meeting changing needs
  • Developed the strategic framework and the national frameworks on planning and capacity and capability building for the establishment of the regional network.
  • Led development of a YPIRAC systems matrix, cataloguing all the federal, jurisdictional and philanthropic initiatives aimed at enabling younger people to access age-appropriate accommodations and supports.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Nikita worked as an operations expert for six years in a Tier 1 consulting firm in the UK. During this time, she advised clients on large-scale operational transformations in aerospace and health.

Nikita is the Chair of Camberwell Girls Grammar School. She holds a PhD and a Master of Manufacturing Engineering from Loughborough University, UK and a Bachelor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.

In her spare time...

Nikita and her family enjoy living in new and exciting places: they spent two years living in the outback and two years living in far North Queensland.