Patrick Williamson


Patrick Williamson headshot
Patrick is a specialist in customer-focused strategy design and implementation.
He is passionate about developing creative approaches to resolving strategic issues and partners with his clients to offer practical solutions that produce tangible results and enhance their success. Patrick has an adaptable skillset, having successfully worked with leaders to transform their business across a wide range of industries in the public and private sectors.

Influential work

  • Guided leadership teams in 13 organisations in the private and public sectors to design customer-centric business strategies that clearly defined cause-and-effect linkages between investment and results
  • Designed and guided the initial implementation of a five-year transformation programme for a major government department in New Zealand
  • Developed an investment framework and model design for the ministry responsible for social investment in New Zealand to allocate $330 million of annual funding to address the needs of vulnerable citizens
  • Monitored the design and implementation of 10 major, customer-driven change initiatives in one of New Zealand’s largest organisations
  • Designed a new strategy and complete change management plan for the transformation of a major city council’s IT department from functional to customer-aligned teams.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Patrick was a consultant at a boutique consulting firm in New Zealand, specialising in strategy design and implementation in large organisations. In this role, he worked with leaders across the public and private sectors to examine the core purpose of their organisation and define a vision for the future underpinned by a practical strategy. He developed a broad skillset that includes strategy development, business model and process design, strategic initiative profiling and prioritisation, values identification and business performance monitoring.

Patrick is passionate about the environment and holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours in natural resources) from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.

In his spare time...

Patrick likes getting into the outdoors; including hiking, trail running, mountain biking and rock climbing. He is also enjoys exploring the various art and cultural events.