Siobhan Waters

Senior Consultant

Siobhan Waters headshot
Siobhan combines analytical thinking with excellent people skills to deliver care and attention to clients and patients.
She is an experienced consultant in the health sector, having worked with state and national health departments. She is passionate about public policy that improves population health and wellbeing outcomes, particularly where health and human services intersect. With a background in customer service, Siobhan brings strong facilitation skills when communicating with a diverse range of clients, stakeholders and community members.

Influential work

  • Contributed to the national evaluation of the Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care Measure
  • Supported a first-of-its-kind gap analysis of state-based health data to track health outcomes for children, young people and families across NSW
  • Developed a community engagement plan and patient charter for a state-wide health service provider, including extensive consultation with staff across all levels of the organisation and a diverse range of health consumers
  • Engaged in professional mentoring programs to support young women to identify strengths and develop capabilities relevant to their career goals.

Outside of Nous

Prior to joining Nous, Siobhan worked in customer service across several healthcare settings including primary care, a public health unit and a busy tertiary hospital department, where she delivered support and advice to patients with varying complex needs. As President of the Australian National University’s (ANU) Fenner School Society of Environment and Sustainability, she was involved in coordinating charity events that raised more than AUD$3000 for the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. Siobhan was also a research volunteer collecting data on Ningaloo Marine Park management for a marine social science research team at the Australian National University.

She holds a Master of Public Health from the University of Newcastle and a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts from ANU.

In her spare time...

Siobhan enjoys spending time outdoors, playing social sports and spending time with family and friends. She is also an enthusiastic home cook.