Sophie O’Shannessy

Senior Consultant

Sophie O’Shannessy headshot
Sophie has experience in commercial and government projects.
She combines strong stakeholder engagement, research and analysis capabilities to deliver solutions that enable strategic decision-making, targeted investing and process improvements for private and public sector clients.

Influential work

  • Conducted a business review for a regulated gas distributor in Victoria, assessing gas service contracts and procurement processes to identify improvements, reduce costs and mitigate risks
  • Developed a comprehensive supply chain insights report, a detailed program delivery schedule and an extensive risk assessment to support a robust business case for Victoria’s offshore wind sector
  • Helped develop a business case for a utility provider, conducting a strategic review to maximise value for money and strategic procurement analysis by combining quantitative insights, stakeholder engagements, and Treasury principles, resulting in a business case with integrated financial modelling and multi-criteria analysis
  • Facilitated workshops to co-design training solutions to address skills gaps in priority sectors in Victoria, fostering successful partnerships between education providers, industry bodies and other organisations
  • Evaluated a federal aged care program to assess operating efficiencies and identify process improvements, strengthening relationships between the department and aged care outlets through extensive data analysis and stakeholder engagements
  • Consulted on the design of Offshore Wind Energy Victoria (OWEV), ensuring the new government entity had the optimal organisational capabilities and capacity to lead the development of an offshore wind industry in Victoria.

Outside of Nous

During her study of a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in anthropology and geography at the University of Melbourne, Sophie worked as a project officer for a hospital in Victoria’s high country. The role involved developing community awareness of chronic illness and mental health issues, as well as assessing and improving the hospital's overall energy efficiency. Sophie successfully petitioned the hospital board to implement additional solar panels and designed fire protection upgrades, used to submit a grant application to fund improvements.

In her spare time...

Sophie has a passion for exploring new places and cultures, developed during her formative years living in South America. Her time in the Andes made her an enthusiastic snowboarder.