Stephen Christopoulos

Senior Consultant

Stephen Christopoulos headshot
Stephen has significant experience in the education sector, having previously worked as an academic tutor and volunteered at multiple educational NGOs.
He draws on strong interpersonal skills, an eye for detail and a desire to learn to deliver top-quality work for his clients. His international relations degree allows him to bring a nuanced inter-cultural understanding to stakeholder engagements.

Influential work

  • Transformed students’ educational outcomes, ensuring that those who were previously planning to drop out of high school went on to complete year 12 and be accepted into their desired university degrees
  • Convened a virtual summit for high school students on the importance of free press for democracy, overseeing an organising committee to create a panel of expert speakers and a range of tailored workshops
  • Completed an exploratory report on the role of advocacy groups and NGOs operating in the homelessness sector, resulting in a partnership between a Monash research centre and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.

Outside of Nous

Stephen has extensive volunteering experience. He has worked with United Nations Youth Australia and the Australian South-Asian Healthcare Association, specialising in education for high school students. He has also significant public speaking experience, including being an ambassador for Monash University, speaking to prospective students and their parents about the benefits of studying at Monash. He was also on the Monash delegation to go to the 2021 World Model United Nations Conference in Tokyo before it was cancelled due to the pandemic.

In his spare time...

Stephen loves to travel and is hoping to see North America or Spain next. He is also a big sport fan – especially AFL, soccer, tennis and Formula One racing.