Steven Philpot


Steven Philpot headshot
Steven has expertise in public health – particularly in HIV and sexual health, LGBTIQ+ health, and marginalised populations.
He commonly works across public policy, strategy, evaluations and reviews in the health and medical sectors. He also has extensive experience in ethics and qualitative methodologies.

Influential work

  • Reviewed Australia’s national immunisation program and recommended structural reform to vaccine procurement
  • Reviewed blood-borne virus/sexually transmitted infection surveillance outputs to identify opportunities for alignment with Australia’s Centre for Disease Control
  • Developed a strategy, operating model and implementation plan for a medical research institute
  • Developed options for strategic collaboration among national peak HIV organisations
  • Evaluated a state-wide initiative aimed at increasing equitable access to IVF.

Outside of Nous

Steve holds a Doctor of Philosophy (public health) from the University of NSW and a Bachelor of Communications (Honours in writing and cultural studies) from the University of Technology Sydney. He has published more than 20 peer-reviewed articles in top-ranking public health and social science journals about HIV, sexuality and sexual health. He has presented at conferences including the AIDS conference, the AIDS Impact conference, the Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference and the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Steve is a member of the Health Equity Matters LGBTIQA+ Health Advisory Committee and the NSW Population and Health Services Research Ethics Committee (PHSREC). He was a member of the Kirby Institute Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee and the Australian Association for Medical Research Institutes Gender EDI Committee.

In his spare time...

Steve does a lot of sport – mainly netball, soccer and tennis. He can't say no to a trip, a long lunch in the sun with wine, or a day appreciating nature.


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