Tess O’Connor


Tess O'Connor headshot
Having consulted companies ranging from tech start-ups to schools in rural Guatemala, Tess draws on diverse experiences in her problem-solving strategies.
With an educational background in psychology and French, Tess has analytic skills and a keen interest in culture and people.

Influential work

  • Consulted with local Guatemalan businesses and CEOs, working in e-commerce companies, eco-tourism, environmental projects, artisan organisation support, education expiation and vital technology distribution
  • Worked with meat export management and marketing team in domestic supply and sales strategy in international and domestic markets, gaining an understanding of government policy in relation to working visas, attending attended cattle trade auctions and working alongside meat workers in abattoirs
  • Completed an exchange at Columbia University
  • Received a Global Mobility Scholarship to study in Tours, France.

Outside of Nous

Before joining Nous Tess was a Research Intern at the Neuroscience of Decision-Making lab at The University of Melbourne. She won an Academic Excellence Award, at Trinity College at The University of Melbourne, where she studied a Bachelor of Arts (psychology and French). Tess was also a Soup Van Volunteer for the St Vincent de Paul Society and tutored in English in the Bronx, New York City.

In her spare time...

Tess loves to write, read, ski, hang out with her dog, have an (uncoordinated) boogie, get into nature and organise splendid dinner parties with friends.