Virginia Wong


Virginia Wong headshot
Virginia has more than 10 years of experience working in the public service across policy issues including migration, environment, employment, education, national security and digital policy.
She spent seven years working in the Australian Treasury, developing an in-depth understanding of the Cabinet and Budget processes and how they affect policy and funding decisions. She has also worked in local councils and not-for-profit organisations and operated two small businesses.

Influential Work

  • Designed the Whole of Government Digital and ICT Oversight Framework for the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) to ensure government’s digital and ICT investments were delivering intended benefits
  • Reviewed the DTA to ensure it was focused on overseeing government’s digital and ICT investments and sufficiently resourced to achieve its mandate
  • Developed the Australian Public Service’s first comprehensive digital strategy to achieve its digital ambitions
  • Created a strategy for migration during COVID-19 to reduce labour supply shortages
  • Developed wage subsidy options for government during COVID-19.

Outside of Nous

Virginia has previously run two businesses: a digital start-up focused on streaming online gaming championships, and a Gloria Jean’s cafe. She also volunteered for DAWN, which aims to promote cultural diversity and inclusivity.

Virginia holds a Master of Environment and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Melbourne, as well as a Graduate Diploma of Economics from the University of New England.

In her spare time...

Virginia enjoys finding new ways to veganise recipes, gardening, writing short stories, dabbling in paints, finding new TV shows to watch, going to the movies and playing board and video games.