Zhengyuan Zhang


Zhengyuan Zhang headshot
Zhengyuan is a Graduate Consultant with an eye for detail and a commitment to delivering real results for clients.
Having had experience working in the educational sector, he has developed strong interpersonal skills and shown dedication towards understanding and addressing client needs. Zhengyuan brings with him a high degree of mental agility and an inquisitive approach to any problem he faces.

Outside of Nous

Zhengyuan has been working as a mathematics tutor for over five years, working closely with students to build confidence and understanding of the senior curriculum. Prior to joining Nous, he worked as a support consultant for an accounting technology company, developing a deep understanding of the company’s product and addressing client queries. He has also volunteered as part of the Monash Open Justice Project, helping barristers working on pro bono case with legal research and drafting memoranda.

Zhengyuan holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Commerce from Monash University.

In his spare time...

Zhengyuan enjoys playing the piano, reading, and drawing. He also plays online chess.


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