Gregory Evans


Greg Evans headshot
Greg leads the design of leadership development and organisational learning strategies for influential clients in the public and private sectors.
He is Nous’ learning offer lead and a board member of Sacred Heart Mission. His background includes senior roles in leadership development, learning and development and culture change. He also has expertise in the psychology of learning, leadership development and digital learning solutions. Greg has worked extensively in the education, health, defence, financial services, resources and emergency management sectors.

Influential work

  • Led the design of an ambitious flagship leadership development program for the entire Australian Department of Defence
  • Led the design of a 12-month program to lift the strategic and leadership capabilities of senior academic leaders in a major Australian university, resulting in significant capability uplift
  • Led the design of the TAC’s Team Leader Development Pathway, an innovative blended learning program embedded in workflow and awarded Best Leadership Development Program in the 2019 national AITD Excellence Awards
  • Designed the emerging leaders’ development strategy for the Victorian Department of Education’s Education State reforms resulting in a local leader-led blended learning approach being embedded in the workplace
  • Developed the Australian Aged Care Leadership Development strategy for all sectors in Aged Care.

Outside of Nous

Before joining Nous, Greg ran his own independent consulting practice for 14 years following leadership roles at Telstra. Outside of Nous, Greg is a member the board of Sacred Heart Mission and an award-winning architecture photographer.

Greg holds an MBA and a Graduate Diploma in Adult Education and Training from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Arts from Honours Monash University.

In his spare time...

Greg spends time with his wife and three children in Melbourne’s bayside. He enjoys photography, cycling, piano, hiking and restoring electric keyboards. He is interested in social justice and the environment.