Nous Group has taken the next step on our path to reconciliation, launching our inaugural ReconciliACTION Plan for our leaders to build genuine understanding, empathy and friendship with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples in Canada.

The Plan was launched today, June 21, the summer solstice, which holds great spiritual significance to many Indigenous Peoples in Canada. As the longest day of the year, June 21 symbolizes a new season of life, a chance to start fresh and leave past burdens behind. Since 1996, the day has been nationally recognized as National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada.

Our ReconciliACTION Plan is underpinned by three foundational values of Truth, Respect and Friendship. In the plan, we commit to:

  • increase our awareness of the experience, histories and stories of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples through listening and learning from the stories of Indigenous Peoples, particularly in the areas in which we work – education, government and health
  • increase the number of Indigenous employees working at Nous in Canada with a goal of 3 per cent of total staff
  • work towards building open-ended relationships and friendships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals and/or organizations, with the view of identifying and supporting the achievement of mutual goals.

The Plan was developed with support from Cambium Indigenous Professional Services. CEO Michael S. Jacobs said he was pleased to collaborate on it with Nous.

“We found the work to be very rewarding and that your team was genuine, inquisitive and receptive to working hard personally and corporately to learn Canada’s truths and to commit to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action,” Michael said.

“I think the most impressive part of working with your team was your understanding that this is a process and not a goal. The team at Nous was committed to braiding Indigenous People of Canada’s voices with those of corporate Canada over time and through lasting meaningful relationships.”

Tim Kennedy, a Nous Principal and the leader of our office in Toronto, said the ReconciliACTION plan was emblematic of Nous’ commitment to respectful engagement with Indigenous Canadians.

“This plan was developed with input from friends and associates who identify as Indigenous in Canada,” Tim Kennedy said. “We thank them for their advice and support. We will continue to revisit the plan as Nous continues its reconciliation journey.”

In Australia, since 2015 we have had three Reconciliation Action Plans (consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) to guide our engagement with Australian First Nations communities. When we established our office in Canada in 2019, we quickly established a ReconciliACTION team to begin working on a plan that was grounded in the experiences and histories of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples in Canada.

Tim Orton, the CEO and Managing Principal of Nous, said the company was proud to be working with projects and people that had a real impact on the lives of Indigenous Peoples in the countries in which we work.

“From Canada to Australia, we need to be honest about the histories of the places in which we work,” Tim Orton said. “This ReconciliACTION Plan commits us to take action that will make a real and lasting difference.”

Nous in Canada has undertaken several activities in support of ReconciliACTION. This includes attending a Pow Wow last week, Indigenous-led awareness training for all staff, developing guidance on respectful engagement and a Snowball Questions exercise in which we sought Indigenous input on significant questions about working with Indigenous Peoples. Nous first established an office in Canada in 2019, and we now have a team of more than 40 people in the country.

The ReconciliACTION Plan is available here.