Hamish Ride


Hamish Ride headshot
Hamish specialises in strategy and policy development, from direction-setting through to execution.
His experience includes working with governments, peak bodies and institutions to refine strategy and drive public outcomes. He brings strong analytical, influencing and communication skills, and has a history of working directly with senior leaders and boards.

Influential work

  • Assessed the activities and programmes of the Australian Department of Education and Training to identify reform options to improve efficiency and effectiveness of functions
  • Partnered with a financial trustee to design and implement a new operating model and achieve a major turnaround in financial and organisational performance
  • Led the review of the Smart and Skilled reforms in New South Wales to help ensure policy settings delivered the intended reform of vocational education and training
  • Reviewed skill-based policy responses to large firm closures to identify options to improve and better coordinate services to support impacted citizens
  • Worked with a major human services provider to review current and emerging trends in government funding of services for clients and identify growth opportunities.

Outside of Nous…

Prior to joining Nous, Hamish held roles in the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance, where he was directly involved in the establishment of whole-of-government processes for budget development and financial reporting; and Scottish Water, where he supported the implementation of a new market framework, introducing competition for services to business customers.

Hamish holds a Bachelor of Public Policy and Management (Honours) from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics from the University of Tasmania. He also holds a Diploma in Management from the Melbourne Business School, where he was awarded the Foundation Prize.

In his spare time…

Hamish has a keen interest in sports, particularly underwater hockey and cycling; although if it is a sport, he will generally follow it.