Stephen Petris


Stephen Petris headshot
Stephen brings more than 20 years of experience working with senior leaders in environmental, primary industries and emergency management agencies in a range of areas of strategy, policy and organisational design.
Previous roles include ‘head of strategy’ roles in the Victorian Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) and the Department of Primary Industries (DPI). Stephen currently leads Nous’ work in the environment and emergency management sectors.

Influential work

  • Supported the development of the vision for the Australian Government’s role in environmental regulation for the Department of the Environment’s Regulatory Reform Taskforce
  • Led evaluations and reviews of major policies in areas as diverse as bushfire safety, energy policy, disability services, farm services, biotechnology and health and nutrition.
  • Led many major strategy and organisational design projects for boards and executive teams in a range of areas including environment, science, primary industries, water, education, health, human services and the arts
  • Worked with various secretaries and directors-general and their executive teams to produce the strategic and corporate plans of government departments
  • Led department contributions to major whole-of-government policy statements; including the Victorian Government statements on the economy, innovation and regional development.

Outside of Nous

Stephen has 15 years of experience in the Victoria Public Service at senior levels. Previous roles include the establishment and leadership of DSE’s Strategy & Innovation Unit and the DPI’s Strategic Policy Unit. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University.

In his spare time...

Stephen loves bushwalking, camping holidays and travelling overseas with his wife and teenage children. In his spare time he enjoys composing and playing music on his favourite guitar.