Monash College is the preferred pathway for international students into Monash University – Australia’s largest university. The College offers a range of foundation programs, courses and experiences to help international students get into their desired degree courses and prepare for success in the workforce.
We designed a sustainable service to meet the needs of employers, students and the university
Monash identified that employers were finding it challenging to source graduate talent, and university graduates were finding it difficult to secure professional experience. Nous was engaged to investigate, design and deliver an innovative, sustainable service to address this gap.
We employed rapid design techniques to deliver the solution in a fast and engaging way
Over a period of eight weeks we applied concepts of rapid service design to come up with the solution. We divided the work into three separate stages:
Problem, solution fit – Undertook extensive research of employer and student expectations to understand the market, define the problem and the range of potential solutions.
Product market fit – Ran several co-design and prototyping workshops with employers and Monash staff to test and identify a practical, fit-for-purpose experience and solution for the marketplace.
Business model fit – Analysed the financial viability of the proposed service and determined the technology, data and operating model required to deliver the service successfully including the right early measures of success.
The service is a game-changing new approach to graduate recruitment
The university progressed the design and implementation of the service and worked closely with Nous to deliver it. The service achieved immediate success, with over 15 students being placed in the first month of operation. Student feedback has been extremely positive and many have reported feeling better informed about their potential employment opportunities.
What you can learn from Monash College
You must listen to the customer to lead the market
Co-create and partner to develop and test innovative solutions fast
Use the evidence from prototyping to understand financial and operational viability.