A diverse group of people with their hands joined and raised

A bold strategic partnership design for a major bank

Our Work | Case Study

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The bank sought advice on partnership design for a community safety initiative

As part of a community safety initiative, the bank sought to improve child protection and wellbeing through supporting research and programs. The bank engaged Nous to advise on the design of strategic partnerships.

Systems thinking delivered a bold design and pragmatic implementation plan

We used our expertise from work transforming systems – including redesigning the NSW domestic and family violence system and transforming the NSW child and family system – to develop a system map to guide our work. From there we:

  1. identified and synthesised more than 20 system problems into seven, using existing evidence, program documentation and systems thinking frameworks and methods
  2. selected two high-priority problems – enhancing awareness to empower vulnerable communities and catalysing action in the business community – through a facilitated workshop
  3. explored options with the bank’s Advisory Group and selected experts
  4. designed two innovative partnership approaches to bring together diverse stakeholders: a network of place-based collective impact partnerships and a coalition of businesses supported by a lead partner with expertise in child-safe businesses
  5. developed a comprehensive three-year strategic partnership plan, which outlined the purpose and five underpinning principles for the program, the detailed partnership design of the two problem areas, and implementation guidance.

The bank has a plan to foster innovative, systems-level partnerships

The bank now has a detailed plan that will help it to achieve systems-level impact through a multi-million-dollar investment across the two strategic partnerships. Nous developed a detailed six-month implementation plan to establish each partnership that includes mechanisms, such as networks of practice, to support scalability and sustainability.

Nous’ expert facilitation and stakeholder engagement has ensured key stakeholders across the sector, business and government support the plan’s focus. Many are also keen to work with the bank to help make the plan a success.

What you can learn from this project

Systems thinking and rigorous evidence review can help organisations identify where and how to influence systems change.

Bringing in outside experts from diverse sectors adds rigour and credibility to program design.

Translating evidence on successful collaboration and place-based interventions into tangible design features is critical to implementation success.