We are pleased to announce that 95 Nous Group team members across Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom have been promoted as part of our latest promotions round.

The promotions comprise eight new Principals, 19 new Directors, 28 new Managers, 28 new Senior Consultants and six corporate team members. The six NousCubane Consulting promotions comprise an array of positions.

Tim Orton, our CEO and Managing Principal, congratulated all Nousers and Cubanites who had been promoted.

“I have been thrilled to watch the career progression of the Nousers and Cubanites whose work has been acknowledged with a promotion,” Tim said.

“Every one of these team members has shown the utmost dedication to helping our clients and their Nous and NousCubane colleagues to realise a bigger idea of success. Congratulations to every one of them, and I look forward to seeing them continue to develop.

“We have also given a posthumous promotion to Robbie Saul-Georgel, a talented colleague in our Toronto office who died in April. Robbie has been made a Manager, a position he undoubtedly deserved.”

New Principals

Darren Leafe, London

Jamie Tang, Melbourne

John Chow, Sydney

Kendra Cockburn, Darwin

Marianna Brungs, Sydney

Michael Rathjen, Melbourne

Nikita Weickhardt, Melbourne

Rob Sutherland, Sydney

New Directors

Aidan Jago, Melbourne

Alice Arch, Canberra

Alice Wisse, Canberra

Al McCall, Canberra

Bonnie Bley, Sydney

Casey Merrick, Sydney

Conrad Hamill, Melbourne

Cornelia Chong, Melbourne

Eamon Ritchie, Sydney

Gavin Williams, Melbourne

Jack Marozzi, Melbourne

Kasia Mierzejewska, Melbourne

Megan Brewer, Sydney

Murphy Wright, Sydney

Patrick Williamson, Toronto

Stephanie Rossi, Perth

Tim Andrews, Brisbane

Tom Strawhorn, Melbourne

Varuni Murugadasan, Perth

New Managers

Andrew Robinson, Melbourne

Ben Saxton, Canberra

Briana Melville, Sydney

Charleen Tiwari, Perth

Corey Hibbert, Sydney

Courtney Greenwood, Sydney

Dharmita Padhi, Sydney

Dom Holden, Melbourne

Emily Nicholls, Canberra

Erika Tait, Sydney

Evelyn Baldry, Sydney

Gareth Jones, Brisbane

Garima Verma, Sydney

Izzy Cronin, Sydney

Jacob Kerspien, Perth

Jamie Cook, Perth

Joe Orange, Brisbane

Julia McNamara, Sydney

Karl De Menezes, London

Lotte Wolff, Melbourne

Michael Hood, Perth

Michael Kerrison, Melbourne

Nathanael Yates, Brisbane

Oliver Gane, Toronto

Robbie Saul-Georgel, Toronto

Rosanna Hurst, London

Sally Higgins, Brisbane

Simone Briggs, Melbourne

Steven Bothwell, Sydney

New Senior Consultants

Abigail Dempster, London

Alex Lehrer, Melbourne

Andrew Thanur, Melbourne

Bayan Yazdani, Darwin

Edith Fordyce-Croker, Canberra

Erin Johnson, Canberra

Francesca Atkins, Sydney

Gus MacLeod, Perth

Hal Crichton-Standish, Sydney

Hannah Murphy, Melbourne

Henry Gourley, Sydney

Jack Armstrong, London

James Saber, Sydney

Kacey Dawson, Melbourne

Kazimier Lim, Sydney

Lachlan Iape, Melbourne

Mattan Leyzerman, Melbourne

Max Zywicki, London

Murray Smith, Sydney

Olivia Wood, Melbourne

Phillip Yang, Sydney

Roshan Padisetti, Sydney

Sarah Palmer, London

Sid Prasad, Sydney

Siobhan Waters, Sydney

Stephen Christopoulos, Melbourne

Taliah King, Canberra

Ujjwal Chaudry, Melbourne

Corporate team promotions

Holly Gregory, Marketing Manager

Meredith Lowder, Senior Visual Designer

Irina Bagrii, Lead Project Finance Officer

Katie Ryan, Head of People Experience

Yeraldin Moreno, People Experience Advisor

Casey Lewis, Talent Acquisition Partner

NousCubane promotions

Federico Muller, Director – Software Development, Sydney

Ann Reycel Go, Senior Manager, Sydney

Jan Lapuz, Data Scientist, Sydney

Holly Cameron, Senior Consultant, Sydney

Alan D’Souza, Consultant, Toronto

Ines Beveridge, Senior Consultant, London